Monday, April 09, 2012
New Blog Address
I am a little late on this but if you've been following my blog, the address has changed. It is the same blog just a fresh new look and new address. Here is where you will find the latest and greatest ;)
See ya there!
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Do YOU have....
This new social site is the bomb ya'll! It's an online pin board that lets you plan parties, gives you ideas for the home, helps you plan dinner meals, and for me....just plain inspires me!! I am addicted people! And best of's FREE!! To give you an example of what I am talking about, here is mine. Feel free to follow me too if you'd like :) So far I have used pinterest for planning my daughter's 2nd birthday party, and my husband and father's birthday as well. Check out the cool cakes I made for my hubby and father! Both like baseball and I went on pinterest to find the ideas for the cake and cupcakes!
Btw, I also made both of these from scratch! Here is the recipe if you are interested in trying your hand at a cake made from scratch, the recipe is simple, and easy to follow:
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
September Quarterly Top 5 Photo Linky Party
Number 1. "Ooooh baby look who's turned 2!"
There were so many other favorites, but this one just seemed most appropriate for spot number one. Need I say more ;)
Number 2. "Who Me?!"
Isabella kept drinking the water from the splash fountains at The Florida Aquarium, (yeah, I know gross) and everytime I told her "No, no" she thought it was the funniest thing! These were pretty much they only smiling pictures I got of her that day, go figure ;)
Number 3. Yellow Rose of Texas
This summer we had the wonderful opportunity to model some beautiful couture headbands for a boutique on etsy! We even got to keep them! Yellow is a pretty hard color to pull off don't you think?
This is one of those fluke portraits I got lucky on ;) I just kept snapping pics and when I went to edit them later that evening I found this one of her frowning!
You know I had to include a 4th of July pic!! This was taken just before the sun started to set. We enjoyed a day at the Splash Ground in Dunedin and then came back to do some fireworks with our neighbors :)
Interested in sharing your top 5 summer pics? Visit Amber's Articles to link up! Enjoy the beautiful day everyone!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Deal of the day!
(LANDS END Lilac Flower Tunic Dress)
I love Lands End clothes! Today I found this sweet little girls tunic dress top for less than $10! This would look so adorable paired with some white leggings! The original price is $24.50 plus tax and shipping. It's been marked down to $11.99. Today Lands End is having a "take an extra 25% off plus free shipping on orders over $50.00" sale. So then 25% off brought the top to $8.99! However, because the dress was previously in my shopping cart they honored a prior free ship coupon! So $8.99 plus the tax and free ship put this cute tunic at a grand total of $9.62!! Well worth the price for a quality name brand piece of clothing! The sale is still going on if you want to check it out: Happy shopping ya'll!!
Greetings All :)
Anyways....Happy first day of Fall ya'll!! I am squeezing in one last official summer picture of Bella in her suit enjoying the "Lion Fountains" at Kate Jackson. Yeah, there will be more visits to the fountains as our real Fall tends to show up around mid November, that is if we are lucky ;) Whether or not I get around to posting is an entirely different story!
So quick up date for my friends and family here! Bella just celebrated her 2nd birthday at the beginning of the month! Hard to believe that I have a two year old now! She and I have both started "BSF" - Bible Study Fellowship (Thank you Amber :) and we are very excited to begin studying the book of Acts. Interested in joining in? Drop me a line: I have also opened up the shop again and have added my newest line of vintage Illustration images and photos to the store! Check it out if you wish: And finally for now, yes I am going to continue to share my "deals of the day" posts with you because I'd love to share the savings with you! Just keep in mind, at the pace I've been blogging they may be more of "deals of the month" instead ;) I stumbled across a good one today that I will post for you later on today!
Getting ready to head out and plan some birthday festivities for my beloved husband, father, and father-in-law! Yep you heard me right, three in a period of two days. Wishing you all a fantastic first day of Fall! Until next time friends ;)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Quick House update and a hike ~;o)
In related news I have a confession to make, instead of moving things into the house last weekend like we were suppose to we decided to take a much needed field trip to the Hillsborough River State Park! Who would have ever guessed that there were moving rapids right here in Hillsborough county! Thats right friends!! The Hillsborough River State Park has two sets of Class II river rapids, now these are not huge cascading river rapids friends, they are smaller ones. But for the Floridian, it is a big deal to see these, as there are less than a handful of these here in and around the State of Florida. There is also a suspended bridge too btw!! The trail is fantastic, even bumble bee hiked half of the trip on her own! She fell asleep in the hiking pack on the second half of the hike back, not bad for a toddler ~;o) I could go on and on about all the fun things there are to do in this park, but I'll just give you a teaser instead this time ~;o) Enjoy the video clips!! And for those of you who've been there done that, why didn't you tell me?! You know I gotta give you a hard time about it ~;o) So if you've been to this park already I'd love to hear what your favorite part of the visit was...I'm all ears ~;o)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
A House to Call Our Own....
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Happy New Year!!
I'm a little late posting on this, but in the words of a wise friend, "better late than never!" I wanted to take a moment to ponder on some changes I would like to make. I don't want to call them resolutions or goals because I think that these two words have a different meaning from the word "Change." In my mind resolutions and goals can only go so far until they've been met. Change will require consistency. And this is what I'm aiming for regarding several matters. These changes are intended to be for the good. So without further ado, here they are:
1. My Appearance: This one is a very difficult one for me to admit, but I would like to focus on putting a little effort into my appearance. Flattering outfits, a little bit of make up for a soft glow, and the perfect handbag to top it all off. So not me, but willing to give it a try, we'll see ~;o)
2. Saving Money: In order for me to go back to being a fulltime "stay at home mom" this will be a must. I have decided that for now, it is best that I do not have any credit cards because I simply cannot control my spending habits with them. For those of you facing the same exact problem, freezing the card in a block of ice doesn't work, had my card all thawed out under 5 minutes. Here's a tip that I found to be most effective, use a pair of scissors instead. So from now on, it will be strictly cash.
3. Blog More, Facebook Less: I need to take a step back from facebook for a we all know, it can become quite a distraction. I am not deleting my account, just feel I will be able to focus better on the tasks at hand in doing this. As for blogging, I will be shifting gears more towards this instead as it allows me to reflect on many important subjects that matter to me. It is here that I will expand on my ideas about family, nesting, photography, traveling, thrifting, and much more. I am very excited about this!
4. Cooking: This is a sore subject for me, although it shouldn't be. I will have to get back to you on this one.
5. Fellowship: This is another difficult change for me to admit and talk about. What is so hard about finding Fellowship? Genuine Fellowship has been challenging for me to find. Some of it is my own fault. There is much involved in this change that will be needed. Perhaps I will expand more upon this subject another time when I am ready. Nevertheless, it needed to be mentioned.
I feel that writing this out will be a better reminder for me of what I need to focus on. This is very tough for me friends! How tough you ask? Ok "Peanuts Gang" fans, you know how Lucy had a name for every phobia out there when she was lecturing Charlie Brown? She never mentioned one for "writing." Anyone know what phobia this is called? Not a big fan of it. Ask me why another time. Change can be scary. But change is also necessary to achieve good. As you all know I prefer to express myself more through pictures instead of words. Sorry I didn't have one to post this time, less distraction perhaps ~;o) Lets turn things over to you now dear friend. What changes do you plan to make this year? I'd love for you to share them.... I'm all ears ~:o) Until next time darlings.... ♥♥
Saturday, December 25, 2010
.....I snapped this picture on Christmas Eve!! I love decorating my home for Christmas!! I enjoy putting up the Christmas tree and hanging up the wreath on the door! I enjoy wrapping presents and baking sweet treats in the kitchen, everything about Christmas is beautiful. But what brings me the most comfort and joy about this magical holiday is God's greatest gift to us all! Let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas dear friends!!
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." ~Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)
Wishing you all much Peace and Joy this Christmas!!
♥, The Nunez Family
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Milk Glass, and Thrift Store Finds....
Ruffled Hob-Nob Vase
Okay...I does "The Shy Little Kitten" relate to Milk Glass Rebecca? Um, doesn't. But it was too cute not to share with you ~;o) This was a recent thrift store purchase for my daughter, she has recently taken an interest in these happy looking vintage characters from the "Little Golden Books" series, (and to cats in general.) Can't say that I blame her, just look at that adorable kitten face! What child wouldn't want to open this book to find out more about this mischievous little character?! ~;o) It is so funny to watch my daughter look at the vintage "Little Golden Books" characters. She gets so focused on them and then starts babbling to herself, or anyone else in the room about the pictures! I wonder what she's thinking when she sees them?! Perhaps you remember reading Little Golden Books with your parents as a child, do you own any today? If so, which ones? And which were your favorite when you were growing up? Yes you know it, I'm all ears ~;o)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving Highlights.....
Another favorite of the evening was this delectable delight!! This berry tart was super easy to make friends!! Wanna make one for Christmas dinner or upcoming party? Feel free to click on the link under the photo for the recipe!! Got any thrifty holiday decor ideas? Recipes?? Feel free to share them!! I'd love to hear them!! Until next time friends ~;o)