I love thrift stores....I feel like I'm on a treasure hunt everytime upon entering one, (I know, such a ridiculous comparison I just used huh.) It's the best way I can describe my feeling of thrift store shopping though ~;o) So anyways, I have taken a recent liking to collecting Milk Glass! I like Milk Glass because it is so fresh looking, something you can keep out year round. In my opinion, it just goes with everything. Many collectors like to display a collection of one color on shelves, oh yeah...Milk Glass can come in different creamy colors folks ~;o) The good thing about collecting Milk Glass is that the pieces can be relatively cheap to buy. But they do range in price. Btw friends, I am by far an amateur in collecting Milk Glass, I do not even know if the pieces I have are the real deal. But I do know that I like the ones that I have anyways ~:o) I saw one person make good use of their single Milk Glass goblet by filling it with fresh blueberries set on the table amongst a lovely breakfast spread. I want to do the same thing. I think I would prefer to use my pieces instead of display them, although I am not opposed to doing this either. Do you have a cherished collection of something? Is it something you like to only display or do you use it? Perhaps you do both? Feel free to share, I'm all ears ~;o) Here are a couple of pictures of my tiny collection.

(Hen on Nest, covered dish...aka keeper of extra sewing thread~;o)
Ruffled Hob-Nob Vase
Okay...I know...how does "The Shy Little Kitten" relate to Milk Glass Rebecca? Um, well....it doesn't. But it was too cute not to share with you ~;o) This was a recent thrift store purchase for my daughter, she has recently taken an interest in these happy looking vintage characters from the "Little Golden Books" series, (and to cats in general.) Can't say that I blame her, just look at that adorable kitten face! What child wouldn't want to open this book to find out more about this mischievous little character?! ~;o) It is so funny to watch my daughter look at the vintage "Little Golden Books" characters. She gets so focused on them and then starts babbling to herself, or anyone else in the room about the pictures! I wonder what she's thinking when she sees them?! Perhaps you remember reading Little Golden Books with your parents as a child, do you own any today? If so, which ones? And which were your favorite when you were growing up? Yes you know it, I'm all ears ~;o)