(And as always, a little bit of History~;o)
(I want to go back in the Spring and see this when everything is in BLOOM!)
I'm a little behind on my blogging. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year's Day. As you can see, I'm off to a slow start so far, but it's okay~:o) Haven't really had the chance to blog since the Holidays till now!! I've missed blogging, it's my therapy and down time. A lot of family in and out of town and we have been sick for the past couple of weeks. Isabella got her first cold, and a yucky one. So we've been doing double time over here. She is doing much better though and we are so Thankful for this. Well we spent our Christmas in the Carolinas!! Greenville and Asheville to be exact. It is always a wonderful thing to go out of town and see new beautiful places~:o) At first I was thinking Charleston (In LOVE with this place!!) But we stayed closer to the mountains. And it was so worth seeing!! So very different from seeing the Charleston area during last summer's Baby Moon!! ~;o) This was one of my Christmas presents from Emmanuel~:o) My sweetheart (blushes) ~:o) I am almost convinced that I could take a trip to the Carolinas once a year and never get bored! I almost think I could move to Charleston, if Daddyo said "Lets Go!" Not quite confident yet, but almost there~;o) Here are some pictures of our Winter Vacation and here is another more recent one of Bella, my little Kewpie Baby!! She is 4 months old in this picture. Until next time darlings~:o)