I just {LOVE} this pretty little BABY to pieces!! And boy has she sure kept us on our toes!! Not much time for anything else between bottles and trying to catch some zzzzzzz while "You know who" is sleeping~;o) Nothing new to you guys though right~;o) Yes we are both very exhausted, but it is so worth it right now!! Isabella will be a month old in about a week. And I am so looking forward to the holidays!! We want to take her to her first pumpkin patch and get pictures~:o) Hey btw Tampa folk, know of any good patches around the vicinity? Please do share them with me. I found a couple already thanks to a good friend of mine, but the more the merrier! And if you aren't in the area maybe you could post a link to the pumpkin patches where you live. It's always fun to see new beautiful places!! I'm keeping it short this time because I am behind on some things that need to be done around the house, but I just wanted to drop in to update you and also to say Hi and let you know I haven't forgotten about you and my fellow blogger friends of course, I will post more picture of baby again soon to keep you coming back though~;o) Until next time friends!