Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

More Paper Goods~;o)

Project Southern Bliss has been such a SUPER SLOW process friends! Between work and all my other gazillion manias I still haven't had a chance to list anything in the shoppe. On top of that Sunny Florida has been gloomy and cloudy for the past few days, not that I mind one bit~;o) It is such a nice change from the hot, humid, and dry scenery lately. I will say this though, I totally understand how completely frustrating that photographing items can be on these kind of days for those of you that live in areas that are like this year round. On a happy note though, beautiful photos are still possible with the help of a homemade light box~;o) The photos posted above were taken on a gloomy day and are courtesy of my homemade lightbox! Want to make your own? (Click Here) It is definitely worth making compared to spending $35+ people. As for my lovely tags and tissue paper flowers, I am hoping to get them into the shoppe by the end of this week. Thank you for looking and keep an eye out for them!


Knitty Bitty Apparel said...

Love the new projects---the flowers look so pretty and delicate!! And, thanks so much for the light box link---I'll have to investigate it---I always have to do mine outside too.

Rebecca said...

No problem Stacey, btw your pictures always come out so nice and professional! Keep up the great work!

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