Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 22, 2008

add one more to the list of manias.....

Here's another peek at my latest mania! Though it is closely tied with my other new obsession for photography~;o) Another new mania you say? I promise it is the last one people, okay no wait....I take that back~;o) It happened during my recent new love for traveling. I have decided that the best souvenirs during my ventures are captured on camera~;o) (psst hey friends....translated this means she's cheap!) So now I am currently looking into upgrading my digital to a professional one. Any suggestions? Right now I am leaning towards a Nikon D50. Does anyone have one of these? What are your thoughts on it? Any SLR will also work. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Come on all you photography gurus, I know your out there and I need your help! I'm all ears.....

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