Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 28, 2008

well it has just been....

a VERY busy past month! So sorry I haven't been able to write lately. Between teacher work week, lesson plans for the kids, USF orientation (yes I have decided to continue~;o) and lots of orders I just haven't had a chance to get on and blog much. Here are a couple of really fun orders I just completed, sorry but the pictures do these beauties no justice! I promise though, I have some great Fall accessories coming and I will post soon! In the mean time, you can find a couple of these fun little clippies in my etsy store! Until next time.....


Knitty Bitty Apparel said...

So glad to hear you are back---I check on you often ;-) I absolutely love the custom pearls---so elegant. I think I'll have to make some with the kids names on them and connect them with a large toggle. Just beautiful---have a great long weekend!

Rebecca said...

Hi Stacey! Thank you for the sweet comments! I'm hoping to blog more when things calm down~;o) I'll try to get some of my Fall items up sometime this evening! Talk to you soon!

Knitty Bitty Apparel said...

Yeah! Can't wait to see them. And, where do you get your sterling letters?

Rebecca said...

I get them at a local bead store called "Beads" in my neck of the woods. They are fun to work with, but rather pricey sometimes, it's worth it though~:o)

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