Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Adelynn Models.....

Studio Bebe Boutique's Spring/Summer Bridal Collection!!!!! Here are some simply stunning sneak peek photos of our Bridal Jewelry Collection from Traina Photography! I cannot say enough how absolutely breath taking these photos turned out! A special Thank you goes out to lovely Adelynn for modeling our Spring/Summer Bridal Collection, and to Brandi Traina for the amazing photos! Thank you Adelynn and Brandi! To view more of Brandi's Incredible work visit:


Knitty Bitty Apparel said...

Hey Rebecca---enjoying your new posts! Stacey

Knitty Bitty Apparel said...

Hey there! Speaking of triathalon---my husband and I are training for one in August---it's a half mile swim, 19 mile bike and three mile run. We'll see......

Rebecca said...

Wow you go girl! Have someone take lots of pics!

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