Basic Sink Cleanser: An all-natural scrubbing powder for your sink, tub, and shower.
Ingredients: 1/4 cup baking powder and 1/2 cup vinegar
Instructions: Mix together and use on sponge. (I use a scrubbing brush) Rinse well.
You won't believe how squeaky clean and residue free these two little wonders leave your tub!!
Here is my all natural soothing tip of the day for you:
To sooth a sore throat:
I have been taking 2 teaspoons of honey (without water) every hour.
This is the recommended dosage for adults. (Also soothes dry cough)
I am not a doctor either people, this tip comes from an article I read and I found it works for me~:o)
Both tips mentioned are very inexpensive alternative remedies~:o) For those of you shaking your heads and saying to yourself, "Please tell us something else we don't already know" I have to inform you that I am not your typical domestic diva or Ms. House hold hints lady but am certainly working my way towards becoming one~;o) So with that being said I ask that you please PLEASE comment me with your all natural tips! The more the merrier! Don't be shy! Until next time friends, ~Cheers!
(Pictures Courtesy of: photobucket)
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