Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What's your favorite Natural Beauty Product?

Good evening all, I have recently decided to opt for "Natural beauty Products" to accommodate me in my summer outdoor ventures and really year round ;) With that being said, here are the finds of the evening: California Baby sunscreen to protect baby and your delicate skin (they have this at Target now! yea!), Crabtree & Evelyn's (a long time favorite by the way) Jojoba Oil, a friend once told me this worked wonders for her son's eczema, (but then every skin type is different of course) and then finally Burts Bees! I just purchased this about a week ago because I was looking for an insect repellent that was Deet free, it smells exactly like furniture polish, (just what you've always wanted to smell like right?!) but NATURALLY does the trick! So there ya have it! The finds of the evening! Its your turn! What works best for you that is natural? Do tell.......until next time treasure seekers :)

(Pictures Courtesy of: Photobucket)

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