Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, January 28, 2011

A House to Call Our Own....

I know I mentioned in my last post (regarding New Years changes) that I would like to blog more, and I still intend to do this. We have just been a little preoccupied lately ~;o) What an exciting day it has been for our family! As many of you know, we've been trying to purchase a home. After a long and slow process of house hunting, inspections, paperwork, appraisals, and I really could go on, I am very excited to share that today we purchased our very first home! What a roller coaster of emotions it has been for us! However, we are very thankful and happy new home owners!! Here it is, our little "Diamond in the rough♥"


"With wisdom a house is built. With understanding it is established. With knowledge its rooms are filled with every kind of riches, both precious and pleasant." ~Proverbs 24:3-4

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I'm a little late posting on this, but in the words of a wise friend, "better late than never!" I wanted to take a moment to ponder on some changes I would like to make. I don't want to call them resolutions or goals because I think that these two words have a different meaning from the word "Change." In my mind resolutions and goals can only go so far until they've been met. Change will require consistency. And this is what I'm aiming for regarding several matters. These changes are intended to be for the good. So without further ado, here they are:

1. My Appearance: This one is a very difficult one for me to admit, but I would like to focus on putting a little effort into my appearance. Flattering outfits, a little bit of make up for a soft glow, and the perfect handbag to top it all off. So not me, but willing to give it a try, we'll see ~;o)

2. Saving Money: In order for me to go back to being a fulltime "stay at home mom" this will be a must. I have decided that for now, it is best that I do not have any credit cards because I simply cannot control my spending habits with them. For those of you facing the same exact problem, freezing the card in a block of ice doesn't work, had my card all thawed out under 5 minutes. Here's a tip that I found to be most effective, use a pair of scissors instead. So from now on, it will be strictly cash.

3. Blog More, Facebook Less: I need to take a step back from facebook for a we all know, it can become quite a distraction. I am not deleting my account, just feel I will be able to focus better on the tasks at hand in doing this. As for blogging, I will be shifting gears more towards this instead as it allows me to reflect on many important subjects that matter to me. It is here that I will expand on my ideas about family, nesting, photography, traveling, thrifting, and much more. I am very excited about this!

4. Cooking: This is a sore subject for me, although it shouldn't be. I will have to get back to you on this one.

5. Fellowship: This is another difficult change for me to admit and talk about. What is so hard about finding Fellowship? Genuine Fellowship has been challenging for me to find. Some of it is my own fault. There is much involved in this change that will be needed. Perhaps I will expand more upon this subject another time when I am ready. Nevertheless, it needed to be mentioned.

I feel that writing this out will be a better reminder for me of what I need to focus on. This is very tough for me friends! How tough you ask? Ok "Peanuts Gang" fans, you know how Lucy had a name for every phobia out there when she was lecturing Charlie Brown? She never mentioned one for "writing." Anyone know what phobia this is called? Not a big fan of it. Ask me why another time. Change can be scary. But change is also necessary to achieve good. As you all know I prefer to express myself more through pictures instead of words. Sorry I didn't have one to post this time, less distraction perhaps ~;o) Lets turn things over to you now dear friend. What changes do you plan to make this year? I'd love for you to share them.... I'm all ears ~:o) Until next time darlings.... ♥♥

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