Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

on Sunday.......

.......we went to Sarasota!! We first visited the Mote Aquarium, and then we took Isabella to Longboat Key Beach!! This was not her first time to the beach though. If you will recall back in November, we went to the Ruskin Seafood Festival, and then after that we went to Ruskin Beach. Bella was about 2 months old then and stayed in the travel system. But this time was her first time on the beach exploring!!

(First time in the water!)

(First time in the sand!)

Baby loves the beach!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


jumbo-sized paper die cuts in the shoppe!! These measure at around a generous 4" inches in height and width!! They are great for birthday and high chair banners, holiday garland, and so much more!!

Want some? Visit the {shoppe}!! I will be adding more jumbo-sized shapes to my store soon so please feel free to bookmark the shoppe: Southern Bliss and check back often!! Until next time darlings ~;o)

Monday, July 12, 2010

a little pool.

it was just Bella and me for the first half of the weekend because daddy had to work a little overtime, soooooooo we decided to try out Isabella's new little pool!

we splashed.......

we tasted.......

and we played alot!!

We really LOVE our new little pool!! Thank you Grandma ~;o)

Hope your having a fantastic summer so far!! We are ~;o)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

We are....

venturing into something new and exciting.....
I am a little late in posting this, we are happy to announce that we recently launched our new website!! We are looking forward to this new adventure!! If you haven't already and would like to, become a fan!! Follow us on Facebook!! Like our new and beautiful logo? Visit KMarshPhotos on etsy for fabulous graphic designs, banners and more!!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

We woke up to this.....

so we decided to go out for some breakfast.....

and then went to buy some of these.....

most of the day looked like this.....

but then things finally cleared up just in time for this.....

and this.....

and this!!

we had to save the sparklers for another day....

but all in all, we enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July Holiday!
We hope yours was just as wonderful! ~:o)

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